This is video 1 of 2. I know I've posted videos of her reading before but it just cracks me up!! She's showing some of her repeating skills here :)
Well I already posted this on FB but we took Ella to the dr. yesterday and her ear infection is GONE!! I'm convinced it was the natural treatments and not that antibiotic!! But the bad news is that now she has either strep for some sort of virus! She woke up yesterday morning at 4:30. At first I thought it was because I'd put her to bed so early the night before (6:30!), and she woke up happy. It was actually pretty funny. Rusty and I woke up to her saying "mama! mama? mama? where's mama?....." over and over for like 5 minutes. Finally after I guess she decided I wasn't coming, she started with "daddy? dada? where's daddy?" for about 5 minutes. Then I finallly went in there to see what was up. When she wakes up all happy and talking like that, I just KNOW she isn't going back to sleep. But when I went in there, I kissed her forehead and it was burning up! Sure enough she had a fever of 100.8, poor thing! When we got to the dr., she checked Ella's throat and said it looked pretty nasty. My dr. sounded pretty certain it was strep, but the test came back negative. She said though that a strep test can come back negative in the first 24 hours when it's actually positive. GREAT. She still has a fever and has been pretty miserable all morning, just laying on me.
Here's the 2nd video...more of the same but still pretty funny! I can't wait until she starts actually talking in sentences, I think she's gonna have a lot to say!
PS I think this will be my new blog look for awhile, I know I keep changing it!!