SO SORRY!! I know it has been way too long since my last post. I really have no good excuse so I won't bother making one up :)
Since our last post...we had a great Christmas (see the attached pics), and great New Year. Rusty and I both made a commitment to read our bibles more and spend more time in the Word and in prayer as a couple. In January, Rusty attended a men's retreat on leadership. It was an awesome time for him and he came back very much on fire. He's been doing a really good job in leading our home and I look forward to him someday (hopefully soon) leading our family.
Our most exciting news to date is our Florida trip! We went the week of Jan 20-28th. We went to Disney World (first time for both of us), but only had time for one day. We got a chance to see Eric, who was practically like my little brother growing up. He hooked us up with some free tickets so we were pretty excited about that too. After our day in Orlando, we headed south to the Miami area where Rusty had a convention for work, and I had a "convention" at the beach :) We enjoyed awesome weather in the upper 80s and were very sad to come home to the bitterly cold Indiana weather!
This past weekend we had a lot of fun--first spending time with my little sis Sarah to celebrate her 21st bday!!, and watching our Indianapolis Colts win the superbowl! We had a great time hosting a small superbowl party. Monday they held a pep rally and parade for the Colts. Since I work downtown I was really hoping to see at least the parade, but unfortunately the Colts were delayed so I didn't get a chance to see the team. There's always next year :)
OH, also, since my last post, two of my best friends have had babies! Anya and Michelle both gave birth to adorable baby boys.
Ok, hopefully I won't overload blogger with my attempt to post all my pictures since Christmas. I promise...my next post will be much sooner than this one was!