Monday, January 14, 2008

Me vs. stop sign

What a Monday. I was on my way to work this morning when I hit a patch of ice right as I was approaching an intersection! My options were to try and blindly make a right turn (couldn't see if anything was coming), or try to stop myself. I opted for stoping myself, which I did, but not quite how I hoped! I was HOPING the curb would stop me but instead, I hopped over the curb and into a stop sign. Oops. I was hopeful at first that maybe not too much damage had been done since I actually managed to put my car in reverse and back off the grass/curb. But, once I got out of the car and saw a portion of the curb totally gone, the stop sign bent over, and the road sign in the road, I knew it wouldn't be pretty. The whole front right of my car was pretty much gone! And a mysterious liquid had begun leaking. Sigh. So, praise God Rusty was still at home and was able to come to my rescue. 2 hours later, I got home and am working from home for the rest of the day. Funny thing is that I was Praying when I got in my accident! I'm trying to remember what I was praying for...I'll make sure not to pray for that again! haha...just kiddin. So now is the waiting game to see how much it will cost to fix my car! It could take up to 3 days to even get an estimate! Thank God for good insurance! I know it could have been much worse than it was so I'm praising God that I am still in 1 piece and that it wasn't any worse!
On to better news...we got 2 new chairs yesterday! They are beautiful! Sofa Express is going out of business so we got these chairs for less than we expected to have to pay for 1 chair. Have you ever gone chair shopping? They are so pricey!! They are the same chair but different fabric. At first I thought neither one matched my living room but then I rearranged a little and now the one with the squares is kinda growing on me. It has orange in it...I can't decide. The green sage one definitely needs reupholstered! If you have any ideas, let me know!

Friday, January 11, 2008

You have to watch this!!

Check out this video on youtube!!

If anyone can tell me how to actually make the video show up on my blog, let me know! I couldn't figure it out!

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

A New Year!

Happy 2008 to everyone! Looking back over 2007, I see a lot of ways God has worked in our lives. He has put us through some trials that haven't been fun, but God is so good. I'm looking forward to see what God has in store for us in 2008. This past year has been one of our more difficult years. I won't go into too many details but most of my readers probably know anyways! I'm just so thankful for the people God has put into my life. They have been greatly used of Him to be of comfort to me in this past year. I really do think of you all as dear to me as family-even more so in some cases! I'm thankful that I've gotten closer to my sisters in 2007. We've always been close but I feel that our relationship has grown even deeper in this past year and I look forward to spending more time with both Sarah and Rachel this year! I'm grateful for my wonderful husband and at times marvel at how blessed I am to have Rusty as my husband! He is better to me than I deserve and I just love him so much!

So-one of my "New Year's Resolutions" will be to blog more often!! I don't like to make New Year's Resolutions but I do like the idea of making a fresh start. I also did start a bible reading plan on Jan 1st and really hope to be more consistent in reading my bible.

Ok-my sappy blog post has come to an end!! I'm going on about 4 hours of sleep right now and probably need to get to bed!

I hope everyone has a great 2008! I'm so thankful to be part of each of your lives :)