Yesterday was a cold snowy day so Ella and I pretty much stayed in and played all day. She's getting so fun to actually play with! I love sitting back and just watch her read a book, do a puzzle or play with her babies. I can tell she is going to have quite the imagination! I was getting bored yesterday so here are a few videos I took. The 2nd one is her saying her body parts, it's quite entertaining. I think the funniest thing is that I was watching the video this morning and Ella could hear the video from across the room. When I would ask her where something was in the video, she would do it from across the room, and then do it on the video. She's so funny!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Christmas and 15 months
I Know, I Know, bad blogger!! I've been so bad about taking pictures too. Ella's in that "I'm too busy playing and having fun to bother with silly pictures" phase. It's great. :)
Today Ella is 15 months old! I haven't been great about documenting her milestones and months. I wrote some stuff in her journal today and realized just how much she is changing and growing. I just kept writing and writing and writing! I hope one day she'll be able to read this journal I'm writing her and enjoy learning about what she was like as a baby. I guess she's officially a toddler now but I still like calling her a baby! Ella is quite a character. She loves to laugh and have fun but she's very particular about what she likes and how she likes it. She gets frustrated easily when things don't go her way. She's very vocal and loves to communicate with us. I made a list today of all the words she can say and I came up with 38 but I'm sure I missed a few. Her most favorite words right now are " no, mama, daddy, no, light (which sounds exactly the same as daddy when she says it), kitty, no, cuppy, baby and thank you". Did I mention the word "no"? Wow does she like to say that. We really try not to tell her "no" a lot but it slips out so easily! She's great at saying thank you, she says it all the time. Just recently she's started saying "please" more and more. We've been working on her saying "yes". Tonight at dinner I was looking in the fridge for what else I could give her. I said "Ella, would you like some grapes?" She got a big smile and said "Yes! Please! thank you mama, thank you!". I am serious, she said that! My sister Rachel was in the kitchen and we both heard it! We were laughing so hard. I think at that moment I would've given her pretty much anything she wanted!
One weird thing about her (I think it's weird) is that she is scared of our bath tub! She still takes a bath in her infant tub! We sit it in our tub and fill it up and then she sits in that. We've tried a few times to just sit her in the tub and she freaks out. Like shrill, neighbors can probably hear it, screaming. She's never had a bad experience with water and even took "swim lessons" at the Y so I'm not sure what's going on. Guess we'll just keep trying and hope she gets over it!
Ok, on to Christmas. We had a different Christmas this year. My sister was in TX with her fiance and my Mom couldn't come at the last minute because she was sick. We had a slight Ham fiasco (the oven is supposed to be ON when you cook a Ham...?) but overall it was a nice day spent with friends and family. Ella still doesn't really get the present thing and mainly really liked looking through the first present she opened-a Little Einstein book-and didn't want to bother with the rest of her presents. But she got lots of fun things and we haven't even had our Christmas with Rusty's side of the family.
Here's a backlog of pictures from the past few weeks...
A few pics from Christmas day. With all the craziness going on, I only took a few pictures.
Christmas morning, excited to open some presents!

Here's Ella with her new gloves from Aunt Sarah and also her new chair from Mommy and Daddy. She was so funny with these gloves. She's never worn gloves before so I put one glove on my hand to show her. Of course it was so small it only went down over my fingers. So when she put the gloves on, she would only put it on her fingers. Monkey see Monkey do!

Here's a few pics of Ella in her Christmas dress. Could NOT get her to sit still in front of the tree!
Today Ella is 15 months old! I haven't been great about documenting her milestones and months. I wrote some stuff in her journal today and realized just how much she is changing and growing. I just kept writing and writing and writing! I hope one day she'll be able to read this journal I'm writing her and enjoy learning about what she was like as a baby. I guess she's officially a toddler now but I still like calling her a baby! Ella is quite a character. She loves to laugh and have fun but she's very particular about what she likes and how she likes it. She gets frustrated easily when things don't go her way. She's very vocal and loves to communicate with us. I made a list today of all the words she can say and I came up with 38 but I'm sure I missed a few. Her most favorite words right now are " no, mama, daddy, no, light (which sounds exactly the same as daddy when she says it), kitty, no, cuppy, baby and thank you". Did I mention the word "no"? Wow does she like to say that. We really try not to tell her "no" a lot but it slips out so easily! She's great at saying thank you, she says it all the time. Just recently she's started saying "please" more and more. We've been working on her saying "yes". Tonight at dinner I was looking in the fridge for what else I could give her. I said "Ella, would you like some grapes?" She got a big smile and said "Yes! Please! thank you mama, thank you!". I am serious, she said that! My sister Rachel was in the kitchen and we both heard it! We were laughing so hard. I think at that moment I would've given her pretty much anything she wanted!
One weird thing about her (I think it's weird) is that she is scared of our bath tub! She still takes a bath in her infant tub! We sit it in our tub and fill it up and then she sits in that. We've tried a few times to just sit her in the tub and she freaks out. Like shrill, neighbors can probably hear it, screaming. She's never had a bad experience with water and even took "swim lessons" at the Y so I'm not sure what's going on. Guess we'll just keep trying and hope she gets over it!
Ok, on to Christmas. We had a different Christmas this year. My sister was in TX with her fiance and my Mom couldn't come at the last minute because she was sick. We had a slight Ham fiasco (the oven is supposed to be ON when you cook a Ham...?) but overall it was a nice day spent with friends and family. Ella still doesn't really get the present thing and mainly really liked looking through the first present she opened-a Little Einstein book-and didn't want to bother with the rest of her presents. But she got lots of fun things and we haven't even had our Christmas with Rusty's side of the family.
Here's a backlog of pictures from the past few weeks...
A few pics from Christmas day. With all the craziness going on, I only took a few pictures.
Christmas morning, excited to open some presents!
Here's Ella with her new gloves from Aunt Sarah and also her new chair from Mommy and Daddy. She was so funny with these gloves. She's never worn gloves before so I put one glove on my hand to show her. Of course it was so small it only went down over my fingers. So when she put the gloves on, she would only put it on her fingers. Monkey see Monkey do!
Here's a few pics of Ella in her Christmas dress. Could NOT get her to sit still in front of the tree!
Here's a video from today. She was being so silly!
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Winner winner chicken dinner
Yep, that is what I am. A WINNER! :) haha...last week I won free tickets on the radio! That's the first time I've really won anything except a raffle at work one time. I won 2 tickets to see Jim Brickman (Rusty and I already went to that show last week-had so much fun!!) and 2 tickets to see Transiberian Orchestra on 12/23. I was so excited!! I felt like it was such a blessing and just little present from God to me, maybe that sounds silly. I've been trying to be better about being thrifty and not buying things we don't need. A couple of years ago Rusty bought me tickets to see Jim Brickman's christmas show as a surprise and I was SO excited. The day of the concert, I woke up feeling a little off. By the time I got home from work, I was so sick and we ended up giving our tickets away since you can't return tickets. I was just so upset-not only was I really looking forward to it and couldn't go, we lost out on that money! So, I felt like I could finally just let that go now that I won free tickets :)
Ella has been so hilarious lately. She's also been very naughty but I won't focus on that right now! This morning I was in the kitchen and Ella was in the living room. It had gotten really quiet so I went into the living room to see what she was up to. this is what she was up to! this is now one of her favorite places-inside her toy box. She also really loves sitting on the couch/chair. Its so funny, as soon as I sit her up on the couch, she just stretches out and puffs up her chest like she just thinks she's hot stuff. I thought about using this picture on our christmas cards this year but I feel like the background is too messy. I've probably got 100 pics of her in front of the tree-none of which she's smiling in and most of them she's not even looking at the camera. SIGH.
Here's a pic of the 3 of us on Thanksgiving. Could not get a good smile out of that girl all day!
The Wednesday before thanksgiving, I put Ella in her first ever nightgown. She was so stinkin cute!! I brought her downstairs to show everyone and she just started prancing around the living room-she knew she was cute!

This is another place she loves to sit lately-her $1.99 goodwill lawn chair :) I brought it inside to clean it off and she discovered it and decided it needed a home in our living room. I'm wanting to buy her a cute arm chair for Christmas so hopefully that will replace the lawn chair soon!

Before it got too cold a few weeks ago, I took Ella outside to explore the backyard. I can't wait to let her sled down the little slope back there!
Ok, on to naughty Ella. We're having some meal time issues with her. She tends to have outbursts that result in the throwing of food and her sippy cup. Saying "no" has no affect (effect?? ugh, i can never remember) on her whatsoever. Even slapping her hand, swatting her bottom or flicking her mouth seems to not phase her at all. We've tried just turning her highchair around so she's "shunned" for awhile but all she does is turn around and look at us and cry. Today I actually took her out of her highchair and put her in her crib 2 different times. That was HORRIBLE. She screamed and screamed until she got hysterical and then she wouldn't even finish her lunch because she was so upset. So...I've got a few more tricks up my sleeve but its getting pretty frustrating! The worst part of it now is that she does it very deliberately and defiantly so we want to make sure we establish with her who is in charge! Any suggestions?
Ella has been so hilarious lately. She's also been very naughty but I won't focus on that right now! This morning I was in the kitchen and Ella was in the living room. It had gotten really quiet so I went into the living room to see what she was up to. this is what she was up to! this is now one of her favorite places-inside her toy box. She also really loves sitting on the couch/chair. Its so funny, as soon as I sit her up on the couch, she just stretches out and puffs up her chest like she just thinks she's hot stuff. I thought about using this picture on our christmas cards this year but I feel like the background is too messy. I've probably got 100 pics of her in front of the tree-none of which she's smiling in and most of them she's not even looking at the camera. SIGH.
Here's a pic of the 3 of us on Thanksgiving. Could not get a good smile out of that girl all day!
This is another place she loves to sit lately-her $1.99 goodwill lawn chair :) I brought it inside to clean it off and she discovered it and decided it needed a home in our living room. I'm wanting to buy her a cute arm chair for Christmas so hopefully that will replace the lawn chair soon!
Before it got too cold a few weeks ago, I took Ella outside to explore the backyard. I can't wait to let her sled down the little slope back there!
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