Tonight during dinner, Ella started saying "Rachel?? Rachel??" She misses her Aunt Rachel and so do we!! I tried to get a good video of her asking for Rachel but by the time I got my camera out and recording, she was on the tail end of it, of course! We miss you Rach! See ya soon!!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Sunday, April 18, 2010
I just uploaded about 200 pics from my camera onto my computer, yikes! We've just been having a crazy couple of weeks at our house. We've got about another month before all the craziness calms down! One sister is getting married, another sister is graduating from college and moving, my Mom is moving from about an hour away to about 10 minutes away and we have some family from overseas coming to stay with us! It will be a fun month but I'm also looking forward to some calm :) Rusty and I really-like REALLY-want to go on vacation after all this but we'll see what happens. We'd really like to go to Disney. I know Ella's too young to even remember it but we have some Disney Dollars to spend and it just seems like a good set up with staying at the Park and being able to just go back to our hotel for Ella's nap without too much hassle.
Last weekend was the big spring family get together on Rusty's side of the family. Since everyone is so spread out and busy, we try to bascially do a get together 4 times a year and celebrate all the bdays that hit around that time. We were blessed with a wonderful sunny day! Here's Ella with her maw-maw, grandpa and cousin Mariah.
This next pic is by request, so here you go Nancy! :) Ella wore this outfit to church last week and got quite a few compliments on her diva shoes, ha! One of the many reasons I love having a girl-you should see this girl's shoe drawer!!
Ella has been doing really well with eating lately. She's great about trying new things and really likes most things. I even made tuna patties for dinner the other night and she gobbled them right up, I was surprised! I realized I'd gotten in the bad habit of still feeding her and not letting her really practice feeding herself with utensils. she is after feeding herself spaghetti.
This past weekend I had a few luxury hours to myself. The first hour was spent at the BMV replacing my lost drivers license. SIGH. But the next hour I hit the first garage sales of the season!! I had been itching to go and Saturday was the perfect day. There were several neighborhood sales that I hit up. Sadly, it seems everyone had the garage sale itch-it was super packed everywhere. Not sure if all the good stuff was bought up on Friday or what, I was pretty disappointed at what people were trying to sell. Used coloring books? Lingerie (yup-really)? Yucky old pots & pans? Clothing with stains and holes? So, I ended up spending $3. I got Ella a cute little dr. kit, a t-shirt and a sun hat. Funny how the focus of my shopping has totally changed! Here she is with the stethoscope of her dr. kit. I was CRACKING UP when I turned the corner and saw her like this!!
And.....last but not least.....we got a new car!! Yippeee! We've been praying about it for about a month now. We had a 2001 Chevy Malibu that I was driving. It was starting to get some miles on it but it was paid for and we've not had any problems with it in the 7 years that we've had it. We also had a 2001 Nissan Pathfinder that Rusty drove. It had quite a few miles on it (like 132K!) and was starting to have problems. And we still owed money on it. We took it in for a maintenance check and found out it needed some work done. So...we just prayed and decided to go car shopping on Saturday. And well...we found a car! It's a 2008 Saturn Vue and it's beautiful and I love it! The dearlership was willing to take a trade on the Pathfinder and gave us definitely more than it was worth. All the stars alligned and we decided to go for it! Rusty is making a HUGE sacrifice for me on this! He's going to be driving my Malibu from now on so that I can drive the new car. I honestly feel a little guilty about this and was really sad for him last night. He really loved that Pathfinder. It was a guys car. The malibu...well, not the most manly car. But he keeps insisting that he's totally fine with it, what a great husband!! This new car will be such a blessing for me-so much roomier for getting Ella in and out, buying groceries, getting the stroller in and out, etc. Yay!
Last weekend was the big spring family get together on Rusty's side of the family. Since everyone is so spread out and busy, we try to bascially do a get together 4 times a year and celebrate all the bdays that hit around that time. We were blessed with a wonderful sunny day! Here's Ella with her maw-maw, grandpa and cousin Mariah.
Monday, April 05, 2010
Plan B, Easter and I love you!!
Can you tell from the title that this is going to be a random, catch-up post? Ha! Last week was a fun week for us. The weather was super nice and Ella has been in a great mood! I have to chalk it up to her ears continue to improve. It makes me mad that we weren't able to help her earlier. It was a pretty miserable 4 months or so for all of us-her, dealing with constant pain and irritation and us, dealing with a generally unhappy girl for a lot of the time! I'm hoping things will keep going up from here!
Friday, my sisters Sarah and Rachel were both off work and home. Since the weather was supposed to be great, we decided to take Ella to the zoo! I guess everyone had the same idea. We figured out pretty quickly that something was going on. Cars were lined up really far back. I decided to zoom past everyone, hoping maybe there was just an accident or that everyone was actually turning before the zoo. Nope! Everyone was in line for the zoo! But when we actually got to the zoo entrance, it was all coned off! I'm really glad we didn't wait in that line for an hour only to find out we couldn't get in! I later found out that we had to park somewhere else and shuttle over. We came up with a Plan B pretty quickly. I'd packed a cooler with sandwiches so we just decided to head over to the Art Museum and see if we could just eat lunch on the grounds there and let Ella play around in the grassy areas. Thankfully, the museum was pretty empty and we were able to have a great time there! Ella loved eating outside and then getting to play.

We started off our Easter festivities by dying...Ella's mouth. I had the Easter Egg painting kit in a cabinet and well, Ella found it... can't tell very well from this picture but her mouth was VERY green, as were her hands, legs and hair! Augh! My first reaction was to find the box to make sure it was nontoxix! It was :) So then I took a picture. And then I cleaned her up. So, that is about as far as we got this year with painting anything. We'll try again next year!
Friday, my sisters Sarah and Rachel were both off work and home. Since the weather was supposed to be great, we decided to take Ella to the zoo! I guess everyone had the same idea. We figured out pretty quickly that something was going on. Cars were lined up really far back. I decided to zoom past everyone, hoping maybe there was just an accident or that everyone was actually turning before the zoo. Nope! Everyone was in line for the zoo! But when we actually got to the zoo entrance, it was all coned off! I'm really glad we didn't wait in that line for an hour only to find out we couldn't get in! I later found out that we had to park somewhere else and shuttle over. We came up with a Plan B pretty quickly. I'd packed a cooler with sandwiches so we just decided to head over to the Art Museum and see if we could just eat lunch on the grounds there and let Ella play around in the grassy areas. Thankfully, the museum was pretty empty and we were able to have a great time there! Ella loved eating outside and then getting to play.
Easter morning was pretty hectic at our house since I had to leave earlier than everyone else for worship practice. As I was leaving the house, Ella was in her highchair eating breakfast. I was saying goodbye and was turning to leave when Ella yelled out "I love you!"-for the very first time!! I've been trying to get her to say that for months it seems but she just clams up and will never say it back to me! So, I was a very happy mama :) Especially since I didn't even say it first, she just said it out of the blue!
And, of course, Easter egg hunting pics! We weren't sure how she would do with this but she did great! She really understood it-we were surprised. Rusty hid 11 eggs and she'd gotten them all in just a few minutes. So we just kept re-hiding them, in the same places even, and she thought it was so fun!
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