It's been so long since I uploaded pics that I totally did these backwards. So we'll start from most recent I guess!
Last week Pioneer Woman was 10 minutes from my house! How could I NOT go see her?? The signing was from 4-6. I got there a little before 3. Part of me expected to waltz up and be the first person in line. That so did not happen. There were several hundred already in line. It was around 7 when I finally got my book signed. I"m definitely not one to wait in lines but I have to say it was worth it! I had a line buddy (thanks Theresa!) and all the women in line were so fun and friendly! The book signing was at a Kroger (weird), so the deli made lots of yummy PW food to keep us happy. The passed out food and water and it was just fun! The poor lady in line behind me kept saying "I'm just doing this as a favor for my daughter...she owes me so big!" She was just astonished how many people had come to see her, and so was I! Here we are with Ree! She was so friendly and sweet!

I just have some random pics on here - this pic is just so Carter. He is in to EVERYTHING. So opposite of Ella as a baby. She was content in a little section of the living room and would pretty much only play with the toys I got out for her. She never messed with all my knick-knacks. We child-proofed like crazy but she never once tried to open the cleaner cabinet or stick her finger in an outlet. Carter is another story!
Last month I decided it was FINALLY time for Ella's first hair cut! It wasn't even that long, just uneven and...well, it just looked bad. And it would be so ratty every morning. In fact, we had our carpets cleaned one morning and as soon as the carpet guy came in he took one look at Ella, did a double take and said "woah. that is some seroius bed head." You know it's bad when the carpet guys says something.
We just went to Cookie Cutters. Totally overpriced but it was a fun experience. Here she is, pre-hair cut.

And during the hair cut...(notice how tightly she is holding on to me! she was so nervous!)
And during the hair cut...(notice how tightly she is holding on to me! she was so nervous!)
I had to put up a pic of my first ever cake-pops. Thanks to Jenny for being my cake-pop inspiration. And for letting me borrower her heart cutter.

Sweet boy

A great Ella pic. She loves Curious George. She loves wearing random thngs, especially hats. Or sunglasses. Or scarves. Watching CG while wearing something random? Best of both worlds!

My sweet kiddos. The just love each other so much!!
Sweet boy
A great Ella pic. She loves Curious George. She loves wearing random thngs, especially hats. Or sunglasses. Or scarves. Watching CG while wearing something random? Best of both worlds!
My sweet kiddos. The just love each other so much!!
Ella-3 1/2 (officially, as of March 27). We celebrated her half birthday and I think it just totally confused her. :) She is a bundle of energy. She seems to learn a new word every day, is very talkative and imaginative. She loves to pretend, do crafts, help me cook, wrestle with daddy and play outside. She loves her little brother dearly! She is so fun to be around. She is very affectionate and loves to snuggle and give kisses. She loves to have special time with me at night during bedtime. We read stories, make up stories, tell jokes or sing silly songs (where I change words to songs she knows to make them silly). She has just started asking me to share secrets with her or will say "mommy, let's just talk together." As much as I am often just wanting her to go to bed so I can have some down time before bed, I often find myself in her room for much longer than planned because I just cherish that time with her. I'm sure not too far from now, I'll be remembering the times she really wanted to share secrets with me! She is in preschool one morning a week for 4 hours. She LOVES that time and hardly turns around to wave any more. She talks a lot about kids in her class during the week. We are working hard on obedience and patience-her 2 biggest weaknesses at the moment! We definitely have our moments of frustration but she is just a delight.
Carter-10 months. Oh Carter. What a sweetie. God knew just what kind of child I needed and he blessed me (us) with Carterman, as we often call him. Carter is just a love bug. He loves to cuddle and be held; he loves giving me open mouth kisses. He wakes up at night and just wants to cuddle before he can fall back asleep. I do love to cuddle him but I think I'm ok with that cuddling taking place during the day. I'm tired!! :) He has been crawling since he was about 6 months-I was not ready for that! Ella didn't crawl until 10 months. He's been pulling up on things and cruising around things for the past month or two. He'll be walking any day! I think since he got mobile so early he started dropping on the weight scale. He was only in the 3rd % at his 9 month appt. My dr really wants me to push the calories so we've been trying! His last home weight check was 18 1/2 lbs which is up over a lb from a month ago. He also has 8 teeth! He basically got 8 teeth in 8 weeks. Yeah, not a fun 8 weeks for us! He seems to be getting in some pre-molars now. Poor guy can't get a break! He loves Ella and is just so entertained by her (much to her delight). She likes to mother him a lot and will tell me what she thinks he needs ("no mommy, he doesn't want that toy, he wants you to hold him"). :) He is definitely in Ella's stuff a lot and I'm already seeing some tempers flaring from that!
Life is hectic but Life is good. We've been trying to just slow down and really experience joy in this wonderful (and sometimes exhausting!) season of life. We leave for our first family of four vacation to Dallas in a few weeks. So excited!