Profile :)
Flippin her booty in the air! (look at those long legs!)
I think she was in the middle of throwing her head back :)
Lately we've been having the most rain and the worst storms I can ever remember. We haven't had too many flooding problems around Indy, but a lot of IN, especially southern IN, has had major flooding. It seems the rain will never end! Its storming right now actually. The very worst storm we had was last Tuesday night. The storming started at around midnight and didn't end until about 6am Wednesday morning. That was also the week our AC went out so we had all the windows open so we woke up to the loudest claps of thunder I have ever heard! To top it all off, Rusty was out of town for work and I must admit, I was a little scared!! I tried to capture a good picture of the storm coming in, but this was the best I could get:
I feel like so far I've had a pretty "boring" pregnancy...not that I'm complaining, I know I'm very blessed! I never really had "morning sickness" other than a nauseous feeling when I would go too long without eating. I haven't experienced many of the pregnancy type things I read about, and really haven't had too many cravings! When I do have a craving, I actually get kinda excited because it makes me feel like a typical pregnant woman! Some of the cravings I have had:
*oatmeal cream pie (little debbie), buffalo flavored chicken tenders or pattie, chocolate milk, dr. pepper, watermelon, baked cheetos
Those are the ones I can think of for now, I'm sure there have been more though! I also have been having pretty vivid dreams. I have always been a big dreamer and I can usually remember my dreams. But the dreams have gotten a little more vivid and much weirder since being pregnant! A funny one I had recently was that I was in labor and delivered the baby, and it was a boy, not a girl ( I was so mad at my dr )! As soon as I had him, they took him away and a bunch of dr's came in to take care of me ( i guess there were some complications ). They all went into the hallway to discuss my case and then the next thing I know, all the dr's ( I think there were 4 or 5 of them ) just started running straight at me! They just kept doing that over and over! I remember thinking in my dream that they were trying to push the baby back in side of me for some reason!! It was very strange!! Its funny too...all the dreams I've ever had where I'm actually having the baby have ended up that the baby is a boy. Lets hope that isn't a sign of what will happen!! But my mom said she always dreamed that she was having a boy and she had 3 girls :)
Well this has been a long post and Iron Chef is on, so I'm going to sign off for tonight! We have so many things coming up so I will try to post soon to keep everyone updated with our life!
I love reading all about your baby girl!! :)
Hi Tabitha! Of course I remember you! Congrats on your pregnancy..I know you must be excited. Being a new mom is hard but I love it! I hope everything goes well for you and your baby!!
Iron crack me up! I love you!
You are less than 100 days now!!! WOOOOOHOOOOOO!
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