But in the midst of lack of sleep and sickness, we've been doing great and have been enjoying Fall! Yay for Fall.
Doesn't Ella look so OLD in this picture? I have really no reason for posting it other than that. And because she's cute!
Ella doesn't look super excited about it in this picture, but she really does love it! I got out all my cookie cutters and she cut out lots of fun shapes. At the last garage sale I went to, I got a ton of play-dough equipment for $1! So she's been having lots of fun with that too.
Started off pretty great!

Oh well. It took all of 5 minutes to clean up. And she told me about 100 times "mommy, I having FUN!", so that made it worth it! Now its the first thing she asks for when she wakes up. And she's gotten much better about keeping the oatmeal in the tub and she hasn't gotten back in it since that first time. I think i will try beans next time just for something new and hopefully a little less messy.
Last Saturday we went to have some family pics taken! We've actually never gone anywhere to do family pics, and I haven't done any professional (well, Target) pics with Ella since her 1st bday! Its just always such a hassle to coordinate, plus Ella just has never done well with getting her pics taken by someone other than me. But my friend Erin just started her own photography business and she had this really pretty location that she used. So I figured with it being outside, Ella might do a little better. So we scheduled but, but unfortunately it was only 42 degrees out when we did these pictures! We were only outside for about 30 minutes and I was hugging and warming Ella up between pics. She wasn't a very happy girl. She really wanted to explore and play but it was just too cold. But despite her unhappy mood, I think Erin got some good shots and I was happy overall with how they turned out! One little smile from Ella would have been nice, but oh well. Maybe next time! Here are a few (for anyone who hasn't seen them on facebook).
Last Saturday we went to have some family pics taken! We've actually never gone anywhere to do family pics, and I haven't done any professional (well, Target) pics with Ella since her 1st bday! Its just always such a hassle to coordinate, plus Ella just has never done well with getting her pics taken by someone other than me. But my friend Erin just started her own photography business and she had this really pretty location that she used. So I figured with it being outside, Ella might do a little better. So we scheduled but, but unfortunately it was only 42 degrees out when we did these pictures! We were only outside for about 30 minutes and I was hugging and warming Ella up between pics. She wasn't a very happy girl. She really wanted to explore and play but it was just too cold. But despite her unhappy mood, I think Erin got some good shots and I was happy overall with how they turned out! One little smile from Ella would have been nice, but oh well. Maybe next time! Here are a few (for anyone who hasn't seen them on facebook).
I"m still here Bita!! :)
I'm still reading...love hearing what you guys are up to! I even had to pause my tv show so I could "really read"! haha! LOVE the idea of the sensory tub...never heard of that so I'm going to have to try it! They had a "corn box" at a pumpkin patch we went to and Ty LOVED it! Your family pictures are very sweet! Sorry to hear she has another ear infection...poor Ella (and mommy)! Hope all is going well!
I still read!!
PS...They have a sensory table in Emma's class. She loves it!
still here girl! can't believe how big she is getting!
I'm still here Tabitha! The pics were great! Makes me miss home more and more! Love you guys!
She is getting big! And I LOVE the family pictures!
I loved seeing the new pics! They were cracking me up with her rolling around in the tub.. oh my niece. By the way.. that first picture of her where she looked older (like a 4 year old!), she kind of had some Rachel in her face!
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