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Yes, the rumors are true. I'm back to blogging! Try and contain your excitement :) If anyone is still reading my little blog, great! If not, that's ok! The other day I was going back over my blog from the time Ella was born through now. I LOVED reading it! Yes, I have all the same pictures saved on my computer. But I don't have the story behind the picture. I have some things written down in my journal, but it's so much easier to read in short tid-bits (with pictures!) on my blog. I want to be able to look back and read the same things about Carter. It's also great to back to for reference.Carter is 11 weeks old. Hard to believe this little guy has only been in our lives for 11 short weeks-feels so much longer! Cannot imagine life without him-he just makes our family feel complete. For now at least! He started smiling a few weeks ago and I just LOVE it. This is the first actual smile I got on camera.
This face of his He makes this face when he's really trying to focus on my face.
My sweet boy!
Right now Carter is on a pretty good schedule. He LOVES to eat, unlike his big sister! He pretty much eats every 3 hours and naps about 1 out of every 3 hours. He's still waking up twice at night to eat. Every one in awhile he'll just wake up once. I'm trying to decide if he's actually hungry when he wakes up or not so I'll probably start using a paci to see if he'll go back to sleep with that. Ella never took to the paci which was nice later on when we didn't have to break her of that. So we'll see how that goes! So right now he goes down at 7:30, up to eat around 1 and again around 5, then back down until about 7am. Sleep training is much harder with the second in my opinion! With Ella we were able to give her a few minutes of fussing to see if she would go back to sleep on her own. Since Carter's room is right next to Ella's, I really don't let him fuss for too long because I don't want him to wake her up! Ella was pretty much sleeping through the night at this point-Carter, not so much. Oh well...he'll get it eventually! I can also say I've been MUCH more relaxed the second time around. I drove myself crazy trying to get Ella on a schedule from day 1. It did pay off in the end I guess but not sure it was worth it! This time, I didn't even attempt a schedule until I had to go back to work and it was much more enjoyable :)
As far as Ella goes, she is doing GREAT as a big sister! She just loves Carter to pieces. Sometimes she loves him a little too much (like...oh I'm going to just squeeze you because I love you SO much!), but overall she's doing great. Although, I never realized how LOUD she is until Carter came home! That girl is either not talking at all (which rarely happens), or she's loud. She also thinks every toy of Carter is actually hers. One of her most spoken lines is "yeah, this toy is Carter's. It's mines though."
This past Saturday Rusty and I took her to see her very first movie in the theater: Winnie the Pooh!

She did great. I think this was the perfect first movie for her. It was only an hour long and was such a kid movie that I wasn't worried about her talking during the movie. She actually didn't talk except at one part she got a little scared and asked me to turn the channel :) I think she loved having popcorn and orange fanta (her first soft drink!) just as much as going to a movie. We also left Carter with my mom so that just Rusty and I could take her. Such a fun memory.
Lastly, here's a little clip Rusty took of Carter. Nothing too exciting but he just doesn't do a whole lot yet! We love just watching his little face, hearing his sweet noises and seeing his crooked smile.
I'm still here!!! he is a cutie!
I'm still here! Cute pics!!
Glad you guys are doing so well with the addition of baby Carter!
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