Sunday, April 20, 2008
16 weeks!!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Ollie and Gertrude
So far no eggs, but we are waiting!!
Ok, on to human news. I had a dr.'s appointment this past Thursday. I felt SO much better after the appointment. I love my dr. (that was the first time I had met her). We had a little scare with my insurance (they tried to tell me my dr. was out of network-turned out she is). Before the appointment I was just feeling very unsure and very "un-pregnant". I was so nervous about hearing the heartbeat! I was so afraid she wouldn't be able to find it. We had a stressful minute or so as she tried to locate the heartbeat with no luck. But finally we heard a very faint "thump-thump-thump" and there it was! She let us listen for a long time. We even got to hear the baby's kicking movements! It was just a lot of swooshing sounds, which I assumed was just my stomach making noise, but then she told us it was the baby kicking! So cool! The baby was located way over in the left part of my tummy and very low down. It was funny because I kept thinking for about a week before my appointment that that is where the baby was-just a feeling I had-I couldn't feel any movement, but that is just where I sensed the baby was. And I was right!! So, ever since my appointment, I've been really wondering if the baby has moved and what he/she is she awake? is he asleep? ON MAY 8th I won't have to say he/she anymore! We get to find out what we are having!! That seems so soon! I'll be 18 1/2 weeks along. I'm so anxious to find out and start preparing! I have a feeling its a girl, but who knows!! I try not to tell that to Rusty too often, he is really hoping for a boy. But of course, we'll be happy with either :)
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
My Belly!!
My belly at 5 weeks...a distant memory....
And....last but not least. The VERY FIRST picture of our baby that I'll post!! I'm sure there will be many more to come!! Sorry the picture is kinda was the best I could get! I can see the baby pretty clearly, but then again, I've been looking at it a LOT :) Its pointed so you can see the baby straight on..with the head on top and you can see an arm sticking out on the right. So cute!!
I'm going to try really hard to post more regularly. Now that we have a laptop, that should be much easier! Rusty bought me an aweswome laptop last weekend since I'll be working from home when the baby comes :) I think he is getting just as much use out of it as I am though! He loves playing computer games, and he's discovered that he loves playing computer games lying in bed even more! :)
And just so this isn't a completely baby related post-WHO'S EXCITED FOR THE OFFICE TO START BACK UP NEXT WEEK!! April 10th, in case anyone hasn't heard. Can't wait!!