......GIRL!!! Yup, the wait is finally over and we now know we are having a bouncing baby girl :) And wow was she bouncing during the ultrasound! I have felt her move a few times but after seeing how active she was on the ultrasound, I'm surprised I haven't felt her more! At first, she was on her head and then she started doing flips! Finally she moved to a horizontal position but that is when the kicking started. She kicked her little legs into my bladder the whole time! Luckily, I couldn't feel that :) But that does explain why I've been having to use the bathroom every 10 minutes lately! I was worried at first that the tech wouldn't be able to see the baby's sex but finally she calmed down enough for the tech to take a peek. I really wasn't very surprised, I felt like she was a girl. Rusty (like most guys) was hoping more for a boy but he was so excited and reassured me (several times) that he wasn't disappointed at all. We are just so happy to know now and to be able to start planning! I do have another ultrasound 4 weeks from now. Since I was only 18 weeks 5 days at this last ultrasound, the tech wasn't able to see the baby's heart valves at all. My dr. wanted to go ahead and do another ultrasound so she could take a look. I'm excited to be able to see her again! I'm just hopin my insurance decides to pay for it :) Here are some ultrasound pics! This one cracks me up-the tech caught her mid-flip!
Nice profile pic
Here she is waving at us!
One more of her cute profile

I'll try to post some more belly pics soon, I've kinda been slacking in that department!
In other news, Sarah moved back in with us! We've enjoyed having her home. Her and I have gotten to spend lots of time together in the past few weeks. I'm excited to have her here to help with baby stuff and I'm sure she'll be lots of help once the baby comes!
Ok, Sarah and Rusty are trying to get me to watch Transformers so I better go :) More pics soon!
It is always so exciting to have an ultrasound. And it is so awesome it's a girl (it's seems like everyone is having boys these days). Now let the fun begin and start your planning.
Team RyKy
Last weekend you said you were going to update your blog and I have been checking EVERY DAY SINCE!!! I want some shots of how you look in your maternity clothes since I can't see you!!!
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