Here's Ella's Halloween Costume, she was a cute little pea in a pod :)
Other than taking lots of pics, we've been trying to start Ella on somewhat of a schedule. We're using Babywise as a starting point but we're not being super strict with it. We're just trying to find a good balance between following Babywise (which is a very strict schedule) and making sure I can bond with Ella. She's doing pretty well. Putting her down for a nap is the hardest part right now. If I try to rock her to sleep or hold her until she's asleep, she just wakes up within 5 minutes of putting her in her crib. But if I let her cry herself to sleep, she will sleep much longer. But I hate letting her cry herself to sleep! Is 5 weeks too early to let her do that? If her cry gets hysterical and panic sounding I'll pick her up but otherwise I just let her cry. She's usually asleep within 10 minutes or so. I'm interested to hear what you other mamma's out there did for your babies! If you have any advice, I'm all ears!
If she is only crying for 10 mins before calming down I would say let her. However, I do not mind crying it out. The idea of the schedule is that when you really stick to it her body will know when it's naptime (since it happens at the same time everyday)and she will be tired and fall asleep. We followed Babywise and it worked really well. Also, you can always try different things to sooth her. Music or white noise maybe? Tyler slept in his swing for naps and overnight for quite awhile because it was the only way he would sleep. For things like that you don't have to worry you're forming bad habits until they are 4 months I think? or maybe 6 months? I was worried Tyler would always need a swinging motion but he didn't. Things for us got better at 4 months when he got rid of the startle reflex. Tyler has been a great sleeper since he was 4 months! Hope I didn't overwhelm you with rambling. =)
I'm glad you like the pictures! It was a good learning experience for me and Ella was such a good sport! :) Nathan taught me how to make CDs on our pc last night so I have the CD made and will give it to you Sunday. I need to make the one from your shower (I know, last August, ha!) now...... !
She's a sweetheart!!!
A couple of things, she is adorable first of all, great pictures. There are so many better ways to "train". Even my doctor who is a CIO advocate says don't do it until 6 months they are physically unable to self soothe. Try to read The Baby Whisperer by Tracy Hogg. Go to their message boards. It is similar to Baby Wise in that you never feed to sleep. Follow, Eat, Activity (even if it's just a diaper change and 15 minutes of awake time), and then Sleep. It will make your life so much easier. Both my kids slept through at 9 and 10 weeks. Really did, I'm not just saying that. Many will encourage you to CIO that it's the only way. Trust me, if it feels like she is desperate, she is. You'll lose her trust. I've seen it happen. There are different cries. One is the mantra cry where she is just fussing a little bit with pauses in between to settle down but, if it's a constant wail, she needs you. Are you still swaddling her? Do it tightly where she can't get out. I swaddled for 8 months at naps and bedtime. I used the miracle swaddle blanket, you can get them on ebay for cheap. Another good book I love is the Happiest Baby on the Block by Harvey Karp. Email me if you have questions. Take Care. Sorry to hijack your post but, I feel SO strong about this.
Ethan zonked like clockwork after his bottles, but that was later. :) I was told by very wise women to not even attempt a schedule till three I didn't. It made it much easier on me (I think) because I wasn't trying to get him to follow me. When she gets a bit older, she will fall into a nice routine that will be easier for you to work with. But I never read any books -- Babywise or otherwise. :) It was easier for me to kind of go with the flow. It just depends on what you think is best for her and YOU! If she cries for a few minutes, yes that is FINE. You'll know when it's been too long. But she's still so little, you may get frustrated if you try to get her to follow even a very loose schedule. She is beautiful and it sounds like you are doing GREAT with her!!
HEY! BEAUTIFUL pics!! I love them! Great job, Amber!! know how I feel, I've told ya. But I will say, every mom has their own way and every child has their own needs. You have to do what works for you and sweet Ella. My aunt Missy (Kim's mom) once told me LONG before I had kids...
"There are all different right ways to raise kids." :)
Hi Bita, Im Lissa's friend. I have and 8 weeks old, Lillian. She was born a few weeks before Ella. I am trying to get her on a schedule too. I have not heard of babywise, but ill check it out. Lilly does the same thing that Ella does, she falls asleep and the minute I put her down she wakes up and cries. I have hard time getting her to settle down. She has been very clingy lately and using me as a pacifier, im trying to break that. Unfortunately Lilly does not settle down after 10 min, she will cry and cry and cry, ill let her cry for quite awhile then get her. I hope things work out for you. Maybe we can help each other out reading each others blogs. I know we just have to find the right things, its hard. Ill keep reading your blog. By the way she is so adorable! Congrats.
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