I'm so behind with my pictures and blogging! I didn't even take Ella's 10 month pic until today (even though I put her actual 10 month date on the paper). Ella is such a character. She is such a fun loving little girl. I took so many pics today, trying to get a good one of her for her 10 month pose but didn't have much luck. Here's a couple...
Ella is now officially mobile! Wow, I thought I had a hard time getting things done before! She did an army crawl for a few weeks before she finally figured out the coordination to actually crawl. But now she seems to be getting faster by the minute. About a week ago, she pulled herself up to a standing position for the first time. Now she does it pretty often. Yesterday she figured out she could do it in her crib-not good. I was really hoping she would figure that out-who was I kidding? She also figured out a few days ago that the stairs might be a fun place to climb. Guess we'll be going to Babies R Us this weekend for some gates!
On the same day Ella turned 10 months (7/27), Rusty and I celebrated our 7 year wedding anniversary! Yay for 7 years :) Coincidentally, I was talking to a friend the day of our 7 year anniversary but she didn't realize it was our anniversary. She was telling me how the 7th year of marriage is known for being the hardest and worst year. I'm not sure if that is true but I hope not! I'm hoping our toughest years are behind us! For our anniversary we went to Weber Grill. We had a really sweet couple sitting behind us that were celebrating their 25 year anniversary!
Here's a pretty cute video of Ella. She's just so vocal right now. You can hear her saying "mama", "baby" and "duck duck", and you get to see some of her mad crawling :)One thing I'm struggling with right now is nursing. I really wanted to nurse for an entire year but now that Ella's 2 front top teeth have come in...kinda rethinking that whole thing! Uhm, ouch. Any of you mom's out there who have nursed have any tips? She doesn't bite but I can feel her her top teeth and she's broken the skin. I have a feeling she just isn't latching quite right and at this point maybe its too late to re-train her. Thoughts??
I'm also starting to think of her first birthday party! I can't believe its NEXT MONTH already! How can that be?? I'm thinking about just doing a green/pink polka-dot theme party since her nursery colors were green & pink and my baby shower theme was polka-dot and I have a lot of the dots :) Any cute 1 year bday party ideas you've heard of?
awweee bita that was sooo precious!! i can't believe she is talking allready!!!
Would love to meet up with you and meet little miss ella if you are ever back in l-town!!
Happy anniversary!!
We had fun playing with Ella last week.
I think the polka dot party would be great. I try to do the theme for their 1st bday based on their nursery so I can reuse stuff. I did Keegan as a cowboy theme. Kennedy will have an owl theme for hers...
Ella is getting so big! Lillian is so very close to walking. She has been pulling herself up for almost as long as she has been crawling, which has been a few months now.
Today she stood up all by herself, and she has taken a few step, but I missed them :(.
I am trying to stop nursing too. Lil doesn't bite but she is rough. She's not taking it well, but I think its time. I'm with ya. She likes to nurse but its just not the same as it was.
I'm already planning Lil's party. I'm doing a Lilly theme, because I'm doing a Lilly cake. Its mainly going to be pink. I cant wait but at the same time I can.
Good luck!
Ella is such a cutie pie! I really hope we can meet up sometime in the near future. BTW- for all 'kid proofing' stuff, Riley hospital has a safety store where they sell everything at cost. Anything you can think of is there (sleep sacks, gates, bike helmet,etc)- and it is so much cheaper then babys r us!
Enjoy the next 2 months - before you know it you'll have a walker on you hands...
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