This weekend we had a lot of family time which was so nice! I realized that a lot of weekends get so filled up with projects and errands that sometimes we go an entire weekend without spending much time with all 3 of us! Rusty watches her while I go to the store...I watch her while he mows the know how it goes. So Saturday we decided NO PROJECTS! We took advantage of the nice weather (74 and sunny!! in august!!) and headed downtown. Didn't realize there was a big motorcycle race this weekend so there were bikes (and bikers) everywhere! I was afraid Ella would be scared of all the noise the bikes made but she didn't seem to mind at all! It was actually pretty funny to see these big brawny biker men pass us and look at Ella and smile at her. Buncha softies! We walked to Borders and looked at books with Ella. That was fun for about 5 minutes. She's at the age where she'd much rather be down on the ground than in our arms. After Borders, we walked to the canal and just walked down to the river and back, enjoying the nice weather. Here's some pics from our walk!
Last weekend we got the chance to go visit my little sis Rachel in Evansville! She moved into a new apartment this year and we wanted to see it and just hang out with her before classes started. We don't get a chance to see her super often because its about a 4 hour drive. Ella did so well in the car! Didn't cry once! But, she was off her routine for like 3 days because she didn't get her normal naps and went to bed about 2 hours late. I couldn't believe it affected (effected?? i always forget) her that much. Unfortunately, I didn't get ANY pics with Rachel, but here's one of Rusty, Ella and I in front of the Ohio River
I have so much fun with Ella during the week on my days off work (Wed-Fri). Usually I will plan a play date 2 days and then 1 day we'll just hang out at home, take walks, etc. A few times, I've been really ambitious and walked with her to the Goodwill that's close(ish) to our house. I'd say its a good 1.5 miles each way. I could be totally wrong on that...I'm a horrible judge of distance. It feels like 5 miles but I'm sure its not. So last week on a cooler day, we walked there. By the time we got there, I really wasn't sure I'd be able to make it back. It suddenly felt like about 90 degrees! Even after being in the cool store for about an hour, I still wasn't sure I'd make it! I actually contemplated hitching a ride home with the Hamilton Express minibus thing that was parked in the parking lot. But...I sucked it up and made it home! Ella and I celebrated making it home by having a creamsicle. Ella loved it.
Probably the funniest thing Ella has started doing lately is getting really into the Disney Channel show Little Einsteins. She still has a very short attention span with watching TV, but she will always stop whatever she is doing if I turn on the intro music. We listen to the intro of Little Einsteins probably 4 times a day. That song is in my head all the time!! She'll crawl over to the TV, sit in front of it and wave her arm in the air. Its so funny!
Here's a few random pictures from the past month or so. Here we are at the State Fair. Please ignore Rusty's blue teeth he got by eating a blue raspberry slushy. Thank you.
A few weeks ago, Ella and I went for a play day with my friend Lindsay and her little boy Hudson. They played so well together! It was the first time I'd seen her really play with any other kid. They got along really well!
And...a couple of pics of my sweet girl. She's so happy! What a joy she is to us!

This picture isn't all that exciting except that the shirt she's wearing was one I wore when I was a baby! A few months ago my mom told me she'd found some of my baby clothes and wanted to know if I wanted them for Ella. I was honestly a little nervous. I didn't want to hurt her feelings and say no, but I was a little worried about what they looked like! To my relief, they were actually pretty cute! I guess baby clothes in the '80's are back in style!
Its hard to belive that in less than 1 month, Ella will be a year old! This thursday, we leave for Philly to visit our good friends Brandon & Anya! They moved to Philly 2 years ago and we have yet to visit them. Any tips on how to survive a 10 hour car drive with an 11 month old would be greatly appreciated!
This picture isn't all that exciting except that the shirt she's wearing was one I wore when I was a baby! A few months ago my mom told me she'd found some of my baby clothes and wanted to know if I wanted them for Ella. I was honestly a little nervous. I didn't want to hurt her feelings and say no, but I was a little worried about what they looked like! To my relief, they were actually pretty cute! I guess baby clothes in the '80's are back in style!
Love the pictures and can't believe she is almost a year...walking is just around the corner.
Car driving tips: We always leave at like 4:00 in the morning, as it gives you like 3 hrs of sleeping driving. If you can, feed Ella in the car. It's entertainment and that way when you take breaks, she can actually play instead of being in a high-chair eating.
Good Luck and enjoy the vacation!
A little tv with Baby Einstein! LOVE the pics!
Love all the pics! I forgot about your trip to Philly- let's get together when you return! :)
Great photos - have fun in Philly!
You walked to Goodwill??? Woman, that's like two miles!! I think. It's a long way for sure! I'm totally impressed. E loves that show too. :)
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