Ella's 15 month appointment was yesterday. It did not go so well. She was great in the waiting area, happily playing with toys, but as soon as the nurse came out to call us back, she started screaming and pretty much did that the entire time we were there. It was great! I'm not sure if this is typical or just my pediatrician, but we always get called back right on time (within a few minutes). We see the nurse, get measurments, etc., and then she says "the doctor will be in shortly!". Usually from that point we have to wait about 30 minutes for our doctor to actually come in the room. Of course Ella's already stripped down to her diaper and I can't really redress her since the doctor could come "any minute". I'd much rather just wait an extra 30 minutes in the waiting room with my daughter fully dressed, happy and playing rather than naked and crying! Finally I just put her boots on her so she could at least walk around.
So-here are her stats:
Weight 22 lbs 6 oz (40%)
Height 31 in. (62%)
Head 19.25 in. (98%) yup. she can't wear old navy tops because they won't go over her ginormous head!!
The bad news is that she still has an ear infection. Pretty sure it's the same one she's had since beginning of November, she just can't get rid of it, poor girl! So she's on her 4th antibiotic. If this doesn't work, there is one last antibiotic that is an injection that they can try. If that doesn't work we'll probably have to go the tubes route. Really hoping we won't have to go that far though!
Have you danced during lunch lately? We have!
1 comment:
she is at the perfect age for starting to remember what goes on at the dr's office! i remember this semester dreading trying to see into the ears of kids that age! :)
totally normal
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