We had such a great vacation! God is so good and really answered a lot of prayers! Things went very smoothly for the most part, we were all healthy (HUGE answer to prayer) and the weather was-well, good enough I guess :) The next time we go (definitely going back when Ella's a little older), it might be a good idea to go in the spring or fall when it's not so hot! It was in the mid 90's and so so humid every day! Luckily there are lots of air conditioned little shops to duck into and spend lots of money at!
We left on a Tuesday night. Rusty, Rachel and I left our house around 5:30 and headed to Rusty's Mom's to pick up Ella. We got on the road around 6:20. Here's Ella-ready for the long road trip! Other than hitting some bad weather, the drive to FL went pretty well. Ella fell asleep around 10 and slept until 2:30 when we stopped for gas. She didn't fall back asleep until 4ish and then slept until we stopped for breakfast at 7. We got to Disney around 11:30.
The next day (Thursday), we went to Epcot. Despite the horrible heat, Ella managed to fall asleep for over an hour. (she's holding on tight to the pooh and Eeyore we got her at magic kingdom-she held on those and played with them every day!)
While Ella was napping, we walked through a lot of the different countries. And we had a Snow White spotting!
Once Ella woke up, I decided to go ahead and wait in line to get pics taken with all the Mickey's Clubhouse characters. We had to wait for about an hour but I'm glad we got the pics! Here's Ella waiting in line. She was pretty good!

She doesn't look it in this picture, but she was actually VERY excited about seeing Mickey Mouse! She saw him while we were waiting in line and had a mini meltdown because she wanted to run to him and give him "pats"-which is what she does to show love, it's very sweet! More on that later...

I didn't put the rest of the pics but we also got pics with Donald, Daisy, Pluto and Goofy (who she was scared of).
She doesn't look it in this picture, but she was actually VERY excited about seeing Mickey Mouse! She saw him while we were waiting in line and had a mini meltdown because she wanted to run to him and give him "pats"-which is what she does to show love, it's very sweet! More on that later...
Next day was Hollywood Studios, which we all really liked. Tower of Terror was a really good ride! We also got pics taken with Handy Manny! I really wanted to ask him what his intentions are with Kelly but I didn't :)-everytime Rusty and I watch this show we wonder if him and Kelly will ever get together. Ha!
Ella's favorite part of the whole trip was probably seeing a live playhouse disney! it was so well done. They had Mickey's Clubhouse, Little Einsteins, Tigger & Pooh and Handy Manny. It was basically a big puppet show but it was really cute and Ella was just glued the whole time.

Rachel and I trying to cool off!
Sunday, Rusty stayed with Ella and Rachel and I headed back to Magic Kingdom, just the 2 of us. I felt so free! I loved having Ella there of course, but it was so nice to just walk around and do what we wanted without having to worry about stopping for diaper changes, snacks, etc. We met up with Rusty around 1pm and headed back for our LONG drive home! That was not fun! It was WAY better to drive at night than during the day! But, we made it!
We went to Downtown Disney in the evening on Friday. Here is Rusty and I in front of the "Jenny" from Forrest Gump!
Ella exploring some of the statues and giving them "pats"
I don't have any great pics from Animal Kingdom but we did go there! That is where we went Saturday and it was just so busy and so hot. Rachel and I rode the water ride first thing and we got so wet that I just felt disgusting the rest of the day and neither of us felt like being in any pics!
Saturday night, Rachel watched Ella so Rusty and I could head back to Downtown Disney for a date night! Despite it pouring down rain, we had a great time! We ate at this amazing Irish place, wish we had it here! I wanted to try everything on the menu!
So, that is our trip in a nutshell! Lots of fun memories. We LOVED the place we stayed-we stayed at Fort Wilderness Cabins. It was a great setup-it was basically just like a little apartment with a bedroom, kitchen, living room, etc. It would even be fine for 2 families to share since there are 2 double beds, bunk beds, and then they have pack n plays to let you borrow! We also learned for next time we go that we need to bring umbrellas/ponchos everyday-that would've been super helpful because we got wet every day we were there and I guess that is pretty common! We also found out that its much easier to drive than to take their transportation. It's nice to have if you don't have a car but be prepared to spend lots of time on the shuttle. We also had to remind ourselves to just not stress about things. We saw SO many people arguing with each other and yelling at their kids. Its so easy to do, especially when its hot.
Since we've been home, Ella has just been fiestier than ever! One little story to leave you with. The other night I put her on her time out bench and she was NOT happy about it. She sat on her bench, looked up at me and said "Mommy NO PATS!" It took me a minute to figure out what she said but once I figured it out, I was shocked! Of course it hurt my feelings that she was basically telling me that she didn't love me at that moment, but I was also pretty shocked that she had figured out a way to communicate that using the things she knew how to say!
1 comment:
You have some great pictures! So excited for you too that Ella did so well! What great memories!
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