Friday, January 28, 2011
This is a variation of "hobo packets" with hamburger and potato. I just used sausage instead and it worked great!
1 potato per person
1 package sausage (I used the Eckridge skinless smoked sausage-fully cooked)
raw carrots
salt & pepper
Chop potatoes and carrots into chunks (I peeled the skin off Rusty's and Ella's potato first but left mine on). Cut sausage into slices.
Rip off one large sheet of foil. Place a few dabs of butter in bottom, top with potatoes, then salt and pepper. Put carrots on potatoes, then place sausage on top of carrots. Make 1 packet per person.
Wrap packet up tight, but try to leave a little room for air. Place packets on large baking sheet (mine leaked a little). Place in 375 degree oven for about 50-60 minutes.
I actually did mine in a 375 oven for about 40 minutes and then cranked it up to 400 degrees and cooked another 15 minutes or so and it was perfect. I also didn't have carrots so I just cooked veggies seperate in the microwave.
This is really yummy and clean up is easy! The sausage makes the potatoes really yummy and flavorful. I was pretty liberal with the butter too so that probably didn't hurt either :)
Friday, January 21, 2011
Its a....
His cute little profile!
And...the money shot. He definitely wasn't shy!
We came home to tell Ella and she seemed to not care at all :) Rachel came home from work and had bought me a little onsie that said "Little Brother". I was holding it later and Ella said "hey, that's for my little brother!" So, I guess she understand a little!
Friday, January 14, 2011
A Calendar Set-it came with a full sized calendar, a smaller desk sized calendar and a purse dayplanner.
Saturday, January 08, 2011
Thoughts and Ramblings
One thing I've been recently convicted with is praying for Ella (and this new baby). I feel like I should be praying daily for Ella but there are times when I can't remember the last time I just sat down and prayed for her (I hate to admit). So when I came across this idea, I had to share it. Here's a link for an awesome idea-a prayer journal for your children. I really want to try this! I think it will help me better relate to Ella and be more patient with her. As her mother, I am called to pray for her and will be held accountable before God on how I raise her.
Another great idea this same girl had was creating a morning routine. We have a very loose morning routine, I don't like it. I feel like I'm constantly on Ella's schedule, especially lately. I feel like there has been a very definite change in Ella's behavior lately-she has become very defiante and is constantly testing boundaries. I think having a set schedule every morning would really help. Here's a link for this one. I find this a little overwhelming, but very inspiring. I'm not exactly sure how we would implement this since a lot of play dates, outings, etc. take place in the morning for us. Plus Ella wake up around 5:30 and I'm barley coherent at that time of day! But I'm sure I could do something more that what I'm doing now. I love that this incorporates bible time and chores-neither of which are things we do on a regular basis.
These are both BIG steps for me and are a big time commitment. But as I looked back on 2010, I was asking myself "what area of my life have I grown in?" I really couldn't come up with anything. I had not been in the word more, fallen more in love with Christ, or grown as a wife or mother. What did I do in 2010? I was not purposeful. So...these are just a few of the areas I would like to grow in for 2011. Being a mama is a priveledge and I want to honor God in how I am raising these children that He has blessed me with.
One thing Rusty and I have started doing as a family is family devotion time before Ella's bath time. We've only done it a few times but hope to do it every night except Wednesday and Thursday when we have Awana and Life Group. But even after just doing it the one time, Ella remembered it and was excited about doing it the next time. She knew where to get the bible (we just use her children's bible), and that she needed to go sit on the couch. We're still working on not letting her bring any toys (tonight she wanted to bring her farm animals with her), but it's a work in progress. We also have a short prayer time afterwards. She still hasn't said her first prayer by herself, but I will ask her who she wants to pray for and then I will pray. I try to get her to repeat prayers but so far she hasn't wanted to. Tonight when we asked who she wanted to pray for, she said "Aunt Lori"-one of Rusty's sisters. So, we prayed for Aunt Lori!
I'm excited to see how God will work this year in our family!
Saturday, January 01, 2011
Happy New Year :)
Our Christmas was great! Chris & Sarah came from TX and stayed Weds-Sun with us. It was hard to see them leave. Ella just LOVED them. We were worried about how she'd do since they left in August, but it was like no time had passed! When we saw them at the airport, she immediately went to Aunt "Sawah" and rode the escalators with her. She was just in her element the whole time they were here.
Christmas morning was fun. Ella loved all her presents-here she is with the easel that daddy bought her
...and her tickle monster hands. She likes to put these on and chase us around the house.
I'm excited for 2011! This will be an exciting year for us, obviously with the addition to our family in June! My pregnancy is going pretty well so far. Over Christmas, I did have a little scare with some spotting. Since our miscarriage last year occured on Christmas Day, it made me more worried than I might have been otherwise. But thankfully when I went to the Dr. when they opened, they said everything was fine. I just overdid it a little over Christmas. We find out Jan 20th if Ella will have a little brother or little sister! Ella has said over and over that it is a girl, but I'm feeling more boy this time around so we'll see who's right! I admit I'm hoping a little more for a boy just to have 1 of each but of course I'll be so happy either way! Ella is starting to understand more and more about the baby. She'll kiss my tummy or sometimes if she's in not so nice of a mood she'll "crush" the baby, pressing her hands on my stomach. Hopefully that won't be something she does to the baby!!
Wishing you all a blessed New Year!