Rusty and I had a fun Valentines Day in Cincy! We went to a Jim Brickman concert and to dinner. I don't know why we even bother going to nice/fancy places to eat anymore. Every time we go, we end up wishing we had gone somewhere more "regular" (and cheaper). We were sitting by a window that overlooked The Ram and we kept wishing we had gone there! Regardless, it was nice to have time together! Here's a pic of the place we went.
I gave Ella a bunch of my old jewlery to play with and then gave her a bag to put it in, except she refused to put any of it in the bag. She told me that she had "bones" in her bag. At first I thought she said "bows" but then she said "No Mommy, BONES!" I asked whose bones they were and she said "Rachel's!" So I looked in the bag and a bunch of bobby pins were in the bag. I held one up and said "Is this a bone?" "YES!" haha-I guess bobby pins are called bones!
Yesterday morning she was playing in her kitchen "cooking", when a loud airplane flew over our house. She says "Airplane-BE QUIET! I'm cooking in here!" :)
I have shielded her from Dora for as long as possible (for my own sanity), but she has finally gotten pretty into it (combination of the Dora exhibit at the Childrens Museum and watching Dora at grandams). So I finally got her a Dora doll and now everything that we do with Ella, we have to do with Dora. If Ella gets a kiss, Dora gets a kiss. Dora rides in the car with us and looks out the window, etc.
She is starting to understand more and more that a baby is coming and she's gonna be a big sister! She'll randomly come kiss my belly or want to talk to baby brother. Sometimes she'll just shout out "I'm gonna be a big sister!" It's very sweet although I know she has no idea of what's to come!
Ella LOVES to sing. Her favorites are ABC's, Twinkle Twinkle, My Girl, Jesus Loves Me. We also have a fun kids CD that we listen to in the car and she always asks to listen to her "new song" which is a silly song about mangos and bananas.
We've been working a lot on letters and numbers. She can count consistenly to 15 and sometimes will get to 20 but not usually. She can identify about half of her letters but those are pretty iffy; for numbers she can identify numbers 0-10. Her princess Leap Frog laptop ($1 garage sale find!) helped a lot with her letters.
Potty training really needs to happen soon! I don't want 2 kids in diapers. I've been trying to follow Ella's lead a little bit-I don't want to make this a stressful experience for her, but at the same time, I don't want to wait forever! She seems to lose interest after about an hour and will ask me to put her diaper back on, then throws a fit if I won't do it. Then she refuses to sit on the potty. Not really sure what to do at this point!
As far as my pregnancy goes-I am 24 weeks right now but feel like I am about as big as I was at 35 weeks with Ella! I said that to Rusty tonight and he didn't say anything so I have to assume he agrees with me! The pregnancy is going well though. I've been having some braxton hicks contractions here and there but my dr. said it was nothing to worry about. We have absolutely nothing done to prepare for this baby and I've been freaking out lately for some reason that he will come early!
As far as my pregnancy goes-I am 24 weeks right now but feel like I am about as big as I was at 35 weeks with Ella! I said that to Rusty tonight and he didn't say anything so I have to assume he agrees with me! The pregnancy is going well though. I've been having some braxton hicks contractions here and there but my dr. said it was nothing to worry about. We have absolutely nothing done to prepare for this baby and I've been freaking out lately for some reason that he will come early!
Tonight Rusty and I went out for my birthday dinner. I realized I have pretty much no pictures of me from this pregnancy so we took a few before we left...
Happy birthday!!
Sounds like Ella is growing up so fast-- love all the stories! :)
Love, Love, Love the wreath!
Elizabeth has discovered making faces too! She will run up to me and say "Mommy, I get my face stuck like this!" and make a funny face! Ha Ha! Guess someone told her that at some point...
Glad you posted pregnancy pics too :) Was just thinking that we had not seen any yet! So excited for your family!
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