Sunday, March 13, 2011

Potty Training update

Hello! Didn't want to leave anyone hanging. We just finished day #11 of "potty training". Ella is doing awesome!! Seriously cannot believe how well it's going. After 3 days, she was accident free for the most part. Our only problem times were in the car (she had an accident in her pull up on the way to Aunt Rachel's just because she told me she had to go but there was no where for me to stop and let her go), and she also would go #2 in her diaper during naptime. But, on Day #8, she finally did go #2 in the potty! I knew all day that she had to go, she kept telling me her tummy hurt. Around 7:30pm, she still hadn't gone so I finally just made her sit on the potty and told her I would come back in a few minutes. She started crying after about 30 seconds saying "Mommy, I can't do it!" But, then she did! Since then, she doesn't seem to be scared anymore and has been fine. She has had a few accidents in the car (wearing a pull up) but they are getting fewer. She also has no problem going in public-I just bring her handy little seat cover everywhere we go! She seems to be holding it for longer and going less times during the day. We're still a long way from wearing panties during her nap or at night, but I'm so happy with how well she's doing. I'm loving not changing or buying diapers!!


Amber Waves Of Grain said...

I'm sending Kennedy to your house for some training!

Michelle T said...

I am so jealous of your potty training experience! Way to go Ella!