Sorry to all my loyal readers for how long its taken for this post. I promise I will try to do better! WELL, gosh, so much has happened since my last post. :) Ok, not really. Rusty and I have been a little under the weather. I thought the up-side to that would be tons of quality time together. I was wrong. We spent our sick-day home together with Rusty watching about 8 hours of football (or something else on ESPN), and me, watching 8 hours of Law and Order, SVU on the other TV. That show is so addicting! I blame the USA network for showing THAT many episodes in a row!
I've been asked to share some fun trip stories from our European Vacation! Several come to mind, but I will start out with a foreign eating experience. Almost the entire time in Paris, we ate at little cafe's, mainly because it is much easier to just point at something in a display case and order it rather than trying to communicate in french with the locals at a restaurant! So, we finally conjured up the nerve to go to a fancy (and totally overpriced) restaurant which overlooked the Louvre! We thought it would be a great first place to try our highschool (and some college) francais. So we get a menu and pull our our trusty french/english menu translater book. NOTE: do NOT waste money on these is guaranteed that nothing you actually want to find will be in one of these books. So, anyways, we try to get our waiter to speak english. I'm sure he spoke perfect english, but he pretended like he didn't. So finally he tried to help us make out a few things. One thing he said was noodles with sauce-sounded safe. And another dish he said was a very delicious risotto dish. Both seemed pretty normal so we went with it. About 20 minutes later I see our waiter walking towards us carrying something with whiskers and eyeballs. I think "surely this isn't OUR food". But, alas, he stops at our table and sets the food with eyes in front of me. ( I should mentioned that technically, RUSTY ordered the thing with eyes. But I let that slide.) So Rusty starts in on his noodles with what we decided was Ragu sauce, no meat, and I attempted to eat my eyeball dish. I took a few bites but just couldn't do it. I did, however, eat the risotta which was UNDERNEATH the eyeball thing and that, was delicious.
So, there is the first trip story for any of you who were waiting to hear one! Sorry....we realized later that we should have taken a picture of it but we were so grossed out that we totally forgot! Oh, and the worst part was that my dish alone cost more than a good old American meal for 2 at Applebees!
Ok-I have been trying to get some pictures up but for some reason blogger isn't putting them on my post! Sorry...I'll have to try again later. Pic to come soon!