I can't even believe it but I'm officially in the 3rd trimester! Its so crazy-the time has been flying by. I keep waiting for the moment I suddenly feel like I've been pregnant forever and am ready for her to come out! I'm sure that will be coming soon. But for now, we have so much to still get done that I'm in no rush for her to make her big arrival :) I'm still working hard on my scrapbooks-I cannot wait to cross that off my to-do list! I'm probably half way done with my Europe book. I've made a ton of progress but there are just SO many pictures! I took a few pics of some of my favorite pages so far:

As far as pregnancy stuff is going-I still don't have too many complaints! I'm having a hard time sleeping and general getting around is getting more difficult, but overall its not bad! But check back in a few weeks-that may change! A few things that HAVE been annoying are*the person who asked "are there twins in there??"*the multiple times I get told "you're due when?? you're not gonna make it". what does that even mean?*every time I say I'm due October 4th, the response is "wow, you have to make it all the way through the summer? you're gonna be miserable!". Thanks. That's helpful.*everything I say being laughed off because I'm obviously unreasonable because of "the hormones"Here are some belly pics I took tonight (Nancy, I am smiling in these pics! And I do NOT have a head tilt!) :)
Last weekend I went with my friend Laura to a thing we have called Symphony on the Prairie-its an outdoor concert and is so fun! They were doing the songs of Frank Sinatra. It was just such a great atmosphere, people singing along, and quite a few people even went to the front to dance!
And-finally-the big bathroom remodel. Well-it's taking much longer than we thought it would-just lots of unexpected problems. We're in the middle of week 3 of the big remodel and so far, it still looks like its in the demo stage. But really, there's been lots of behind the scenes stuff going on, and we did pass our inspection last Friday-yay! I had a pic but somehow I just deleted it so I'll post again with that later. The shower is installed but that's about it.
This weekend is the big nursery painting day! I can't wait. Not sure if it'll get totally done this weekend, but it will at least get primer! I'll post some before/after pics soon!
You and your belly are so cute!!!! You look amazing for being that far along!
I was laughing so hard when you said that about the head tilt. There was this guy in college who we called tilty head because no matter what he was ever doing he had his head tilted! he even RAN like that!! He was a friend of ours and everytime we'd take a picture with him we'd all tilt our heads. Poor guy never caught on. SO anyways, thanks for making me laugh tonight!!
Surfing around and somehow came across your blog :) I have been lucky to avoid most of the comments (have gotten some "your so big" and "your so small") I think because I have been avoiding people as a whole ;)
Hello Tabitha! It's Sarah from the neighborhood! I was going through e-mails and found this -- sounds like you are getting the chairs done. Yay! Congrats again on your pregnancy. I too had a wonderful pregnancy (till the last trimester when he wanted OUT early) -- I was never sick at all and felt great. And all I wanted was watermelon. ;) Congrats, and yes, in a few weeks it will seem like every day takes forever -- you will be so anxious to meet your baby girl it will drive you nuts! :)
Hi Tabitha:
This is my first visit to your blog. It is adorable.
beeter, are you sure you're not sticking out your stomach on purpose to make us feel sorry for you? :)
you look GREAT! can't wait to see bathroom pics.
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