Happy Fourth!! This post is gonna be kinda out of order since I messed up how I uploaded my pics!! Sorry! Here are a few pics I was gonna show at the end...here is my belly, 27 weeks. Sorry, not the usual shot! It was a quick "oh yeah I was gonna do that!" shot. I think this pic is a little misleading, I feel like I'm way bigger than I look here!
Saturday night, Rusty and I went and bought our travel system!! I love love love it! We had actually already registered for a different one at Babies R Us but I was feelin kinda guilty about how pricey it was! I did like it a lot but I mainly registered for that one because I didn't like any of the other ones Babies R Us had! Then, I saw this one at Walmart of all places. I really liked how it looked so I looked it up online and it got really good reviews-every single one was 5 stars! The only negative things were that the stroller is kinda heavy/bulky and there are some out there that last longer in terms of weight limit. But overall this one got great reviews, the price was pretty good, and I liked how it looked! I do admit its probaby a little more for a girl than a boy, but I think it will be fine either way:

(ok, here is where my post was supposed to begin!!) The 4th marked the beginning of our master bathroom remodel-a/k/a "what have we gotten ourselves into?" Not that I am contributing to this project-Rusty and his Dad are doing all the work, I'm trying to just stay out of their way! Its only been 2 days and already I am ready for it to be done! Even though its just one small portion of our house that will be remodeled, my entire house is a disaster! Not sure why that would be! I'm also getting some living room chairs reupholstered so my living room looks super empty! Rusty was hoping to get it done over 3 weekends but I'm not really sure if that will happen! We just ordered our new vanity last night, thinking it would take 1 to 2 weeks top to come in-wrong! It won't be in until July 28th! YIKES. I'm sure I'll be really happy once I see the finished product but right now I just want it to be done-and so does Rusty! Here are a few pics of the pre-remodel bathroom and view from our bedroom:

Hopefully SOON I will be posting the finished results :)Saturday, Sarah and I went to visit my Mom. I hadn't seen her in a few months and she was very anxious to see my belly! Here is a pic of the two of us-haha, love her expression in this picture, I think Sarah caught her off guard!
Well, I'm hoping to post again SOON with our newly finished bathroom. I've also been scrapbooking like a mad woman! I'm still finishing my scrapbook from our Europe trip 2 SUMMERS ago, oops. So I need to get that done for sure before the baby comes!
Love your cute stroller! :)
Be sure to add pics of your finished bathroom when it's done... yay!!
Hey cutie preggers woman! Miss you...VBS this week! SIGH!
your belly actually looks smaller than in the post before! how did you manage that?
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