Friday, September 19, 2008

3 cm!!

So as of Wednesday, I am 3 cm dialated!! I was super surprised! My dr. said she was going to check me and I honestly 100% thought she would say "no progress", but, then she said 3 cm and I was shocked! The look on Rusty's face was priceless, poor guy! HA! So of course I asked her what that really meant. I know women who are dialated at 2 or 3 for weeks and then even end up going over their due date! But she said she did not think I would still be pregnant on my due date. When we were leaving she said..."well, see you next week, or, maybe sooner!". I think that freaked us out the most! But once I got past the freak out point, I've been really excited and just really ready. And if you are wondering, NO, the bathroom is not done. But after this weekend it SHOULD at least be functioning in all will probably still need another coat of paint and baseboards. But at least we can use it and put all our stuff in the closets away. Please pray for us! We will both feel so much better when that is done and we can focus all our efforts on being new parents and just lovin on our new baby girl :) But I'll keep you posted on the progress (on my labor, not the bathroom)! I seriously feel like a ticking time bomb, just waiting to go off! They say only 11% of women have their water spontaneously break, but I just am so paranoid about that happening, especially when I'm out shopping or something!

1 comment:

philip+anne said...

i WAS wondering about the bathroom. you better put up almost-done pics in case you have something else to take up camera space! :) are you going back to the dr tomorrow?