Ella is 2 weeks old tomorrow (Saturday)!! It seems like she has been here longer than 2 weeks. I have to remind myself of that several times a day when I am getting discouraged that her schedule is still different every day or when she is fussy for a lot of the day. She is just 2 weeks old and trying to figure out what she needs to be doing! No 2 days (or nights!) have been alike so far. We had one awesome night-Monday night. It seemed Ella had figured out her days and nights and was settling into a routine. She slept in her crib for the first time Monday night-a huge unplanned surprise. I had been thinking a lot about when to transfer her into her crib and figured it would be at least a month away. But Monday night, I had already gone upstairs for the night and was putting her in the bassinett when Rusty said he was gonna be noisy doing bathroom work (uhm no, bathroom, still not done-but its usable!). So, my only choice was to put her in her crib! I was gonna bring her right back in our room but she was doing so well after a few hours, I decided just to leave her in there! She slept from 8-12, woke up to eat, then slept from about 12:45-5, then slept from 5:45-8:30. It was so awesome! That next day I felt so so good. Its amazing what a good night of sleep can do for you! The rest of the week didn't go quite as well. Ella's little personality has started to come out more and turns out she is pretty strong willed and fiesty! Not sure where she gets that...Rusty and I are both pretty laid back! She definitely has a temper and can go from 0 to 60 in about 2 seconds. So that has been challenging this week. We also went back to the dr. on Thursday and found out she has gained NO weight since last week, and is still down 5 oz from her birth weight! That was pretty disappointing since I really thought she had been doing well with eating! We have another weight check on Monday and she needs to gain at least 2 oz by then or else we may have to start supplementing with formula, which will be a big hassle and I really don't want to do that! I'm pretty sure my milk supply is good, I just wonder if I'm not feeding her long enough? She has turned into a pretty slow eater. She would probably go an hour or more if I let her! I usually cut her off when it seems like she is done but just hasn't pulled away yet, maybe I should stop doing that?
But, despite the frusturations this week, we have had some small triumphs...sleeping her in crib, I took a shower with no one else home (something I was pretty scared to do), and we made it without too much drama to the dr. on our first car ride with just the 2 of us. So...not really a LOT of triumphs, but I'll take what I can get right now!!
Now here are some pictures of sweet Ella:
In the middle of a goofy smile (she hasnt' smiled at us yet while she's awake, but smiles a lot in her sleep)

Me and Ella, she's in the middle of a small melt down in this picture. How can she not be in a good mood when I'm wearing my Office t-shirt??

Getting prepped for her first photo shoot (taken earlier today).

Not QUITE ready for her glamour shot...

Aww...there it is! :)

And...1 video. Its kinda boring, but this is just her waking up from one of her many naps! I like it because at the very end you can see her dimple! Its on her left side. Love it but hardly ever see it unless she's making the right expression!
1 comment:
Awww too sweet!! She seems like a happy baby!
You are doing a good job, Momma!
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