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So...having a baby is hard work! :) We have definitely been in for a reality check the past few days. I of course knew that babies were hard and I tried to prepare myself for it (HA!) but I was definitely not expecting how hard it would be. I have a new found respect for all moms and especially moms of multiples! We've had several rough nights. The first 2 days home from the hospital were by far the 2 roughest days of my whole life (tuesday and wednesday). Monday night, Ella was up most of the night and fed 5 times in 5 hours. By morning, I didn't know how I would make it. We headed to the hospital to get Ella's jaundice test done. While she was getting her test done, just all the fatigue really hit, combined with pain from my stitches and breastfeeding problems and I just hit rock bottom. There was actually a breastfeeding support group going on while we were there so Ella and I headed over to that and sat in for about an hour. I did get some advice but the class was so large that one on one attention was hard to get. After the class, I called my dr. for some pain I had been having in my chest. My dr's office kinda freaked out and said I needed to get to the ER right away and get a cat scan-pretty much the very last thing I felt like doing. But we headed down there anyways. The scan turned up with nothing wrong so we had a few other tests done and headed home. The next day was filled with stress because Ella wouldn't breastfeed and we finally had to break down and give her a bottle of formula. I had a call from the lactation consultant (I had left a message to try and get some advice), and she basically made me feel like a horrible mother for giving a bottle, I felt so bad! We ended up giving one more bottle that day and finally were able to get her to breastfeed again. BUT, after all that, today seemed to be a turning point and we had a really good day. Ella had her first pediatrician appointment and....we got rid of the bili blanket!! YEAH!! We hated that thing, it was so hard to feed or hold her with that on. Her other stats wereWeight 7lbs 4oz (down 5 oz from birth weight but up 3 oz from discharge weight), 33 percentileLength 20 1/2 inches (up 1/2 inch from birth length) 67th percentileSo, that made us feel good that she is growing, despite the feeding problems! We tried hard to keep her awake today so we are hoping for a good night tonight, we'll see how it goes :)And now, the REAL reason you are reading this blog, the pictures! Here are some of my recent favorites:Her bringing home outfit, a little big. Rusty thinks this is her rapper pose :) YO.
Right after her first bath at home. How sweet is she??

I'll try to keep posting pics of sweet little Ella! Once things settle down a little we're hoping to have my friend Amber come over to do a photo shoot for us, can't wait! We're just so blessed to have sweet Ella as our daughter.
You are so blessed! She is very sweet and BEAUTIFUL! I love looking at her pics.
What a little blessing! And know that you are doing everything right- just go with your gut. You'll get 10 different pieces of advice from 10 different people but mom and dad know best (even if it's new to you). Please don't hesitate to call if you need a sounding board ;-)
Oh, and sleep, it's over-rated anyway! Congrats!
Congrats again! It was nice to visit you today and to meet Ella. She is just precious!!
I know you've had a rough start but each day will get easier! There is light at the end of the tunnel... you WILL get sleep again! :)
We're very happy for you!
Congratulations on Ella---our babies are one week apart! :) I hear ya on how tough it is. Lissa was keeping me up-to-date on how you were doing. You have been through so has to get easier, right?? :) ha! She is very sweet...hope you are getting some rest! (I know...not funny!)
She is absolutely precious!
I have a friend who is a midwife, she's helped all my mommy friends with breastfeeding and baby stuff.. I can give you her email if you want.
It is tough isn't it? But it does continue to get better, I promise!
She is so precious! Congrats on your little girl!
Tabitha, no matter how bad you feel, no matter what people say, no matter WHAT -- she will be FINE if she has formula, if you can't always breastfeed or if you have to stop breastfeeding. SHE WILL BE FINE, beautiful, healthy, all of it. ;) That was the hardest part for me, and I felt SO GUILTY! You are doing great, hang in there, and don't EVER FEEL GUILTY FOR TAKING CARE OF YOUR CHILD. You are the ones that know best for your baby. And she is a beauty. There. :)
And yes, it's gets easier and easier and they get more and more fun. The easy stops around one. HA!
Hang in there! She's beautiful and go with your gut. Remember your hormones are crazy and that adds to the stress of it all. I could have written that same post a mere 15 months ago. {{{{HUGS}}}}
Rusty / Tabitha! Congrats again!
My aunt is the head OBGYN nurse at a health system in Michigan and has told me on multiple occasions that babies that are formula fed do just as well as those that are breast fed! (She should know - she's done this her whole life - in third world countries and the U.S.!)
Your situation sounds so much like ours at the beginning :)
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