Sunday, October 19, 2008

Happy Birthday Rachel!

This blog post is devoted to my amazing and awesome sister Rachel who is 21 today!!
Rachel, I wish I could be there to celebrate this day with you! I've been thinking about you all day and keep thinking of all the fun times we've had together. I'm so lucky to say that my sister is also one of my best friends! Here are some things I love about you Rachel:
*I love your devotion to God and your genuine desire to please Him in everything, even when its really hard and it would be so much easier to go the other way
*Your family and friends are the most important thing to you
* You are so sacrificial of everything-your time, money, gifts
*You tell me things just because you want to share them with me, before I even have a chance to ask you.
*I especially love the simple times when I'm just in the kitchen cooking and you pull up a chair to just keep me company.
*You share my love of Fall, Christmas-time, Gilmore Girls, and Jane Austen.
*All the silly things we've done together and laughed about-like the graham cracker crust at Walmart :)
There are so many other things I could say! I just wanted to tell you a FEW of the things that I love about you and that make you such a great sister to me. I hope this year is an awesome one for you. I know we don't talk quite as much right now with both of us having crazy lives right now, but there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of you and pray for you! Most of these prayers are taking place at about 3am right now but they still count! :)
Hope you have a wonderful birthday, I love you!!


Lissa said...

We need an Ella post!!!

Amber Waves Of Grain said...

I love your new background!