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I'm so excited for this week! My little sister Rachel is coming into town and will be staying with us for the whole week! That hasn't happened in a long time! Other than hanging with my sisters, I'll be seeing friends who I haven't seen in awhile, having my mom stay with us for 3 days and get to enjoy Rusty being home Thursday and Friday. I decided this year for Christmas I'm just making a roast in the crock pot rather than spending all day in the kitchen like I did for Thanksgiving. I'd much rather play games, watch Christmas movies and play with Ella than be cooking all day! I'm hoping to make some new traditions this year with Ella. I feel like my family doesn't have a lot of holiday traditions and I'd really like Ella to grow up having that. Does anyone have any fun family traditions that you'd like to share? Tonight was the Christmas program and dinner at our church! Here is a pic of Rusty, Rusty's dad Mike, me and Ella :)
A Family picture of the 3 of us...
We tried for quite awhile to get some good pics with Ella in front of our tree. She is so squirmy that almost all of them came out blurry! This one is a little blurry but I still like it!
And, last but not least, Ella in her princess crown robe that my friend Michelle sent me before she was born. She finally fits into it! She looked SO cute!!
What a sweet, adorable little girl I have! I feel so blessed to have her. Every day I just love her more and more, its amazing. This year for my Christmas present to her, I'm going to give her a journal. I'm going to write in it to tell her about her life so far in the past 12 weeks. I'm going to keep recording in it, hopefully at least a few times a week to just tell her what she is doing new each week, record special memories, milestones, etc. I'd like to keep this up through out at least her first year but hopefully for longer and then I'll give it to her again for Christmas many years to come so she can read all about her life and about how much I love her!
Finally, if you are still reading this mushy post, here is a video of my sister Sarah playing with her Saturday morning. Its pretty cute!! Ella loves her Aunt Sarah!
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