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Who knew making homemade baby food could be so much fun? I've gotten really into it! I decided when I was still preggo that since I would be staying home with Ella 3 days a week, surely I had time to make babyfood. I imagined slaving over the stove, cooking up peas, carrots, green beans and squash. I had no idea how fun and easy it would be! I talked to a few girlfriends who did their own food to start off with. I looked at this website and got some great pointers. Ella's first food (after rice cereal) was avocado, which she hated. But I soon learned that she'll eat almost anything if I mix it with banana or applesauce. Except peas. So far, haven't found anything I can mix that with to make her eat it! Well, the other day I found this website and it opened up a whole new world! There are actual recipes, which I love. Before, it was just very basic to me (mush up a banana and add some applesauce). But this webiste shows how you can use spices and introduce lots of different flavors, I love it! At Ella's 6 month dr.'s appointment, her doctor told me not to be afraid to use spices in my babyfood but I wasn't really sure how to go about it. One recipe I really like (and tried yesterday) was the sweet 'toes recipe. It was really good! Ella hasn't had it yet. We just introduced peaches yesterday so I'm waiting a few days before trying something new. Another one I thought was really interesting was the Pork "Chops" and Applesauce recipe. I love how it gives the age range it's recommended for. I look forward to trying lots of fun recipes from this website!Other than trying new foods, Ella has also started her swim "lessons" at the Y! We go with my friend Jen and her little boy Zane. Its not so much swim lessons as it is just singing songs and splashing around in the water. But I think Ella still enjoys it. I have some pics of her in her swimsuit but they're still on my camera so that will have to wait until the next post. But trust me. Adorable.To tide you over, here are some more pics from over Easter weekend.Ella with her cousins. I don't think they got the whole pinwheel concept but this one turned out pretty cute
At church

Ella givin a big smile for her great granny
I LOVE making baby food too!
I made all of Collin & Summers and I'm hoping to do the same for Hayley! I just think its cheaper & better for them. Of course, I have some on hand for when I go out - but sometimes I even take the stuff I've made too!
love, Marisa
HI Tabitha,
I know this might sound crazy, but I came across your blog doing research for homemade baby food. I am the publisher of the NurtureBaby website, and I wanted to thank you for posting it on your blog. We just launched last month and are seeing incredible growth, thanks to wonderful people like you who share with others. So thank you...
Best of luck making food for your little one! It's a great thing that you are doing!!
A fellow sister in Christ,
Christen-thank you for commenting on my blog! I'm so honored! I LOVE the website-thank you so much, it really inspired me to keep going with making my own baby food!
Thanks for sharing the websites, I already knew about the first one. I have yet to make her baby food. I know that I should and I really want too. I have just found it easier to buy it, but I saved the website and hopefully ill get motivated to make it. Lil loves everything so far. I have her on stage 2 as well. Her doc said that I could giver her stage 1 and 2 foods.
She loves all the food so far. No reactions to any of them. Ella is getting big and she's adorable! Hope you had a great weekend. Enjoy the beautiful weather.
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