Happy Easter!
Well I am ashamed at my lack of posting and hope to not go that long again! I was so behind in uploading pics. I'm sure lots has happened since I last posted but now its all a blur! Ella had her 6 month dr's appt a few weeks ago. It went well! She's 15 lb 12 oz (44%) and 27 inches (84%). Looks like she's gonna be tall and skinny. Hmm, wonder who she gets that from? Not me!
Ella's first Easter was great! We had an awesome church service this morning and I really felt God's presence. I'm so thankful for a wonderful church, God is so good. After church we came home and ate and played lots of wii. I got a chance to take a nice long walk with Ella and my mom. Ella was such a happy girl all day. Her Oma and Opa were here and so was her Aunt Rachel so she got extra spoiled. She loved all the attention but after awhile I could tell it had just gotten a little too much! I took her upstairs for awhile and just had some Ella/Mommy time and she was all better. What a sweet little girl she is! Here are a few pics we took today:
Ella, Oma, me
do you think this girl is gonna be spoiled??
I love this next pic of Rusty and I lovin on miss Ella! We went to a get together with Rusty's side of the family this weekend and had such a great time. Ella is the youngest of all the cousins so she got extra attention and loved it!! It was so great to see everyone!!
Tabitha-- Love the pics!!!! Super cute! And, I'm glad you found the leggins. I want to get the rainbow striped ones for Kennedy next. Shopping for girls is so fun. :)
(This post may come up as 'anonymous' because I'm at the YMCA and don't want to log on...)
PS I'll be uploading the pics I took of Kennedy & Ella soon too!
Tabitha, Lissa's cousin Kim here. I just dropped in from Lissa's blog to see what's going on with y'all! I was scanning this post and noticed you mentioned Target Baby Legs, and I wanted to tell you about an even better deal on those on Etsy! A girl makes them and calls them Knotty Legs and there's TONS of patterns, and they're only $8 each, no shipping! I totally OD'd on them for Claire, but they'll fit for a while!
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