Nicknames: Ella Bella, Sweet Pea, Sugar, Stinkerella, Portabella, The Ella-nator (Rusty calls her that sometimes. I do NOT) :)
Weight: 18ish lbs
Favorite things: nursing, reading books, singing, "talking", cuddling, her sippy cup, bath time
Least favorite things: getting dressed, diaper changes, getting her faced wiped after eating
Favorite foods: squash, banana, applesauce, oatmeal cereal
Clothing: mostly 6-9 month
This past month she got 2 teeth, started clapping (she LOVES to do this), and started waving (sometimes). She's so funny. Somtimes when we wave bye bye to her, she'll start clapping instead of waving. I think she's finally started to associate clapping with being happy and with music. A lot of times she claps when she gets in the tub or when I start singing to her. The other day, I gave her some food she didn't like (oh, sometimes she spits when she doesn't like things...not good). So finally I gave in and gave her some bananas. After her first bite she started clapping :) She also talks/babbles ALL day long. I don't even have to have the TV on for noise anymore! The past few days her babbles have sounded like she's saying "diddle, diddle, diddle" over and over. and over. She's also gotten really into cuddling lately, which I love. She loves for me to rock her. She'll just put her head on my shoulder or chest for the longest time...SO Sweet! It's been a fun month, can't wait to see what this next month will bring!
I love this picture of Sarah and Ella. Don't pay attention to my messy kitchen!